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The use form hook

ReForm.use is the mainly hook. You're always going to use it to build your forms. It's important to notice that the hook is only available in your form module generated by the ReForm.Make functor.

module Lenses = %lenses(
type state = {
name: string

module Form = ReForm.Make(Lenses)

let make = () => {
let form = Form.use(
~initialState={ name: "Alonzo Church" },
~onSubmit={api => {
open Form.Validation

schema([string(~min=3, Name)])

// Render stuff...



This is the inital state of your form. Its type signature is the state record that you defined in your lenses module like here.

  • Type: Config.state
  • Required: Yes


Then function that will be called on form submit.


Then function that will be called when the submit fails.


Your custom i18n module created with ReSchema.

Check out ReSchema's official docs.

  • Type: ReSchemaI18n.t
  • Required: No
  • Default value: ReSchemaI18n.default


The validation strategy to validate the form fields.


The return of the hook (which we named as form in our example) is a record typed as ReForm.api.