This is the api reference for the main module ReForm
This is the state of the field. It tells you when the field is valid, errored, etc.
type fieldState =
| Pristine
| Valid
| NestedErrors(array<ReSchema.childFieldError>)
| Error(string)
This is the state of the form. It tells you whe the form is valid, has errors, dirty, etc.
type formState =
| Dirty
| Submitting
| Pristine
| Errored
| SubmitFailed(option<string>)
| Valid
This is the action type. It contains all actions that reform dispatches to update and interact with the form state.
You might need use this action when using the onSubmitAPI.send
type rec action =
| ValidateField(field)
| ValidateForm(bool)
| TrySubmit
| Submit
| SetFieldsState(array<(field, fieldState)>)
| FieldChangeState(field, fieldState)
| FieldChangeValue(Config.field<'a>, 'a): action
| FieldChangeValueWithCallback(Config.field<'a>, 'a => 'a): action
| FieldArrayAdd(Config.field<array<'a>>, 'a): action
| FieldArrayUpdateByIndex(Config.field<array<'a>>, 'a, int): action
| FieldArrayRemove(Config.field<array<'a>>, int): action
| FieldArrayRemoveBy(Config.field<array<'a>>, 'a => bool): action
| SetFormState(formState)
| ResetForm
| SetValues(Config.state => Config.state)
| SetFieldValue(Config.field<'a>, 'a): action
| RaiseSubmitFailed(option<string>)
If you need to use the send
function, check out the action
type signature.
type onSubmitAPI = {
send: action => unit,
state: state,
raiseSubmitFailed: option<string> => unit,
This is the state of the form. It contains the values of all form fields, the fields state, etc.
type state = {
formState: formState,
values: Config.state,
fieldsState: array<(field, fieldState)>,
This is the available validations strategies.
type validationStrategy =
| OnChange
| OnDemand
type fieldInterface<'value> = {
handleChange: 'value => unit,
error: option<string>,
state: fieldState,
validate: unit => unit,
value: 'value,
type api = {
state: state,
values: Config.state,
formState: formState,
fieldsState: array<(field, fieldState)>,
isSubmitting: bool,
isDirty: bool,
isPristine: bool,
getFieldState: field => fieldState,
getFieldError: field => option<string>,
getNestedFieldError: (field, int) => option<string>,
handleChange: 'a. (Config.field<'a>, 'a) => unit,
handleChangeWithCallback: 'a. (Config.field<'a>, 'a => 'a) => unit,
arrayPush: 'a. (Config.field<array<'a>>, 'a) => unit,
arrayUpdateByIndex: 'a. (~field: Config.field<array<'a>>, ~index: int, 'a) => unit,
arrayRemoveByIndex: 'a. (Config.field<array<'a>>, int) => unit,
arrayRemoveBy: 'a. (Config.field<array<'a>>, 'a => bool) => unit,
submit: unit => unit,
resetForm: unit => unit,
setValues: (Config.state => Config.state) => unit,
setFieldValue: 'a. (Config.field<'a>, 'a, ~shouldValidate: bool=?, unit) => unit,
validateField: field => unit,
validateForm: unit => unit,
validateFields: array<field> => array<fieldState>,
raiseSubmitFailed: option<string> => unit,